Getting started

Getting started with universal-fs


  1. Run npm install universal-fs
  2. Create a .env file
  3. Enter any value for UNIVERSAL_FS_PASSWORD this will be hashed and used to protect your filesystem
  4. Signup for your Ngrok (opens in a new tab) token
  5. Copy the token as an environment variable in your .env named NGROK_AUTHTOKEN

Note: you can skip steps 4 and 5 if you aren't going Ngrok.

In Node

Simply call init() with Server.init() as a prop.

import {init, Server, readFile} from "universal-fs";
const server = new Server();
await init(await server.init());
await readFile("index.ts");

In the browser

The browser is a little more difficult due to an inability to access .env or any server side functionality. Luckily this is what this library is made to solve.

Below is the recommended approach; there are other ways to due this. Just make sure you don't leak your password 🥶:

  1. Create a route called /api/fs-init with following content. Note this example server uses Express you can use the framework of your choosing:
import {Server} from "universal-fs";
app.get("/api/fs-init", async (req, res) => {
  // Your custom auth code
  const server = new Server();
  const url = await server.init();
  return res.json({
    token: encrypt(proccess.env.UNIVERSAL_FS_TOKEN as string) // use the encryption library of your choosing

Note this endpoint should not be public!

  1. Call the init function in the browser
import {init, readFile} from "universal-fs";
const res = await fetch("/api/fs-init");
const data = await res.json();
await init(data.url, decrypt(data.token));
await readFile("index.html");